Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fox News host: Dems ‘invented’ war on women because ‘stimulus didn’t work’

Fox News host Steve Doocy talks about "war on women"

One Fox News host on Monday asserted that Democrats had concocted the “phony” Republican war on women to divert attention from high gas prices and a slow economic recovery.
Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy noted that gas prices on Catalina Island in California were around $7 a gallon and President Barack Obama could not use the economy as campaign issue.
“You know, the stimulus didn’t work out so well and he’s got a lot of problems,” Doocy explained. “So in the last couple of months what they have done, the Democrats, is that they have invented this phony war on women. They said Republicans are against women.”
for women really is something that is unacceptable and shows how callous and insensitive they are towards women’s priorities.”
But Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) told Crowley that Democrats were wrong to accuse Republicans of waging a war on women.
“We’ve got to quit exaggerating our political differences,” Cleaver said, adding that it was also wrong for Republicans to accuse Democrats of a “war on religion.”
A USA Today/Gallup survey of 12 of the top battleground states recently found that likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had lost 14 points among women in the months after he and many other Republicans objected to mandating that contraception be covered by the health insurance offered by religious institutions. Six in 10 voters favored Obama, while only 30 percent supported Romney.
Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox & Friends, broadcast on April 9, 2012.



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