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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fox News host: Dems ‘invented’ war on women because ‘stimulus didn’t work’

Fox News host Steve Doocy talks about "war on women"

One Fox News host on Monday asserted that Democrats had concocted the “phony” Republican war on women to divert attention from high gas prices and a slow economic recovery.
Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy noted that gas prices on Catalina Island in California were around $7 a gallon and President Barack Obama could not use the economy as campaign issue.
“You know, the stimulus didn’t work out so well and he’s got a lot of problems,” Doocy explained. “So in the last couple of months what they have done, the Democrats, is that they have invented this phony war on women. They said Republicans are against women.”
for women really is something that is unacceptable and shows how callous and insensitive they are towards women’s priorities.”
But Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) told Crowley that Democrats were wrong to accuse Republicans of waging a war on women.
“We’ve got to quit exaggerating our political differences,” Cleaver said, adding that it was also wrong for Republicans to accuse Democrats of a “war on religion.”
A USA Today/Gallup survey of 12 of the top battleground states recently found that likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had lost 14 points among women in the months after he and many other Republicans objected to mandating that contraception be covered by the health insurance offered by religious institutions. Six in 10 voters favored Obama, while only 30 percent supported Romney.
Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox & Friends, broadcast on April 9, 2012.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Free Speech: A Canadian and Catholic Necessity

We might not all agree on the value of free speech, and those who do might not do so for the same reasons.

True liberalism, which is so much at the heart of the Canadian Parliamentary Democratic system, is something Catholics should promote, even if it isn't the best of all possible political arrangements. It is the best given that we are who we are: sinful, profoundly, irredeemably.

True liberals believe that freedom is good because people are good. I believe freedom is good because people are bad. According to my reasoning, the best way to offer resistance to the worst of us: Putin, homosexualists, abortionists, is to limit their power. We do this by giving no group carte blanche immunity from criticism and debate.

People try shut others up all the time. Fr Gravel is trying to shut up his critics - i.e. LifeSiteNews. In this matter we - all of us, whether Christian or just plain Canadian - need to stand with them against this enemy of freedom.

Check out LifeSite's long awaited statement vs. Fr. Gravel here.

And check out a great link provided by the Dumb Old Housewives on Mark Steyn, precisely on this subject of free speech.

Shrimp Scampi

I've posted shrimp scampi before but I'm always evolving recipes and this is where I have ended up.  I've adjusted a traditional scampi recipe and made it light green with the addition of basil pesto.  I also often add some fresh green chili and cilantro chutney that I get from a Peruvian chicken place.  I'm obsessed with their chutney almost as much as I am with pesto, both often make appearances in omelets, pasta dishes, sandwiches and Indian dishes.  Shrimp scampi is a perfect weeknight meal as it comes together so incredibly fast.  I love that I can pull a bag of shrimp from the freezer, run it under water and have it defrosted in minutes.  

~ 1lb raw shrimp (31-40 count)
3/4 lb thin spaghetti
8-10 cloves garlic, pressed
4-6 T butter, depending on how you're feeling
1/4 c olive oil
1 t lemon zest
juice from 1-2 lemons
salt, pepper 
red chili pepper flakes, to taste
2 T fresh pesto
1 T green chutney (optional, can use jarred if desired)

Boil water, salt and toss in pasta.  Heat butter and olive oil in a pan and add lemon zest, garlic, lemon juice, chili pepper flakes, salt, pepper.  Toss in shrimp and then pesto and chutney and let this cook until almost pink.  Meanwhile drain pasta (very aldente) and toss in and let finish cooking in sauce while shrimp finish cooking.  Serve with some romano cheese dusted on top. 

The Bean Jar Method (and a freezer paper DIY!)

This post is sponsored by Pine-Sol®. Clean & Disinfect with Pine-Sol: The Powerful Scent of Clean.

I've been on a bit of a cleaning post kick lately, so I thought we could talk about kids and chores. Did you get an allowance growing up? I've learned that kids need incentives in their lives (well, don't we all?). We've been using beans as an incentive/accountability tool for a couple months now and I love it.

We keep dried pinto beans in this old jar on the counter and every night the girls pull out their bean baggies and we square away our accounts.

The general idea is every bean is worth a penny. Every chore the girls do each day is worth a bean, and we also give and take away beans for their actions. Like fighting/yelling/not sharing results in the loss of a bean or two. Sometimes I'm feeling generous and will offer them 10 beans each to make the trip to the grocery store easy! It works every time. :)

The girls count their beans all the time (another bonus! Math practice!) and when they have earned a few dollars, we go to the toy store (i.e. heaven on earth). It's so fun to see that the new toys they earned and budgeted for mean more to them. I feel like they have a better understanding of and appreciation for money now.

We've been keeping their beans just in little baggies, but I'm committed to the program now, so we upgraded to these cheapie little coin purses from H&M that I personalized with their monograms.

It's a super easy DIY. I just typed their initials into Word (Futura font at 165 pxls) and lightly taped a small piece of freezer paper on to my computer screen. I also bumped up the brightness on my screen so there was lots of contrast.

I softly traced the edges of the letters and then cut the letters out on a cutting board with an Xacto knife. Here's a little tip for cutting anything out with an Xacto knife - pull, don't push the blade. You'll have much more control of your line if you're pulling down all the time, so move your project around so that you're always pulling the blade down.

Next, you just layer a dish towel on top of the freezer paper (wax side down on the purse) and iron until the freezer paper is secured on the purse.

I used a regular paint brush and some gold latex paint to dab on the letters. I did about three coats of paint with a bit of drying time between each coat. Try hard to keep the paint smooth and even, but don't push the paint down too hard. It will get in under the edges of the paper if you're too agressive.

While the third paint layer was still wet I peeled off the freezer paper.

Ta-da! Personalized bean purse! I also switched out the old zipper pull for a mini gold/black leather tassle I whipped up while the last coat of paint was drying.

The girls love our Bean Jar method - it's sort of incredible actually how well they have responded to it! - and they were extra excited when we worked on these purses together. It makes the whole idea more special to them. Claire sleeps with her bean purse under her pillow. And I think they're so cute I might actually make one for myself. Lipstick holder maybe?

Do you have a method for getting your children to happily help around the house?

Room Tour: Perfectly Pink Bedroom

My friend Kristen from Gypsy Soul Interiors always has gorgeous projects going on at her place! I loooove when her name pops up in my inbox!

She was inspired by this chevron rug DIY project and used a perfect coral pink color. The rug is for her daughter's newly redecorated big girl room. I love the Kristen eyeballed the taping! She wanted this to be a quick project and sort of liked that imperfectly-perfect look (especially for a kids room).

You're going to want to check out how adorable this little girl's room turned out. That bed (and bedding)! That chaise! Kristen embraces all things vintage and knows *just* how to update them with paint and fabrics. I feel like this space has so much more soul than a room filled with catalog furniture!

I'm sure you'll want to know just like I did - the wall color is Iced Apricot by Valspar. Definitely adding that one to the paint color arsenal! This elusive perfectly peachy pink color is hard to nail down!

Gorgeous job as always, Kristen! Thanks for sharing!

If you have a room submission for LGN, please email jenny at jennykomenda dot com. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Teaching skills

LEFT]Teaching skills is one of the aspects of the preparation of the teacher. Therefore, it has received great emphasis in all educational systems. with proven success and major influence on helping teachers to undertake teaching efficiently and effectively. Teaching skills are classified into three categories: general skills, special skills and performance skills.

First:, general skills: these skillsare acquired through teacher’s public life before joining the teaching profession. Patience is one of these skills The most important skill asuccessful teacher must have is patience. There will be times when students drive him mad, but he can never allow his emotions to get the better of him, not in front of the students, anyway. Also, Good organization is another skill that includes:being on time, turning up with the right materials, producing well-planned lessons with suitable material.

Second, special skills:: are linked to organization of the lesson and its objectives and being well-prepared. to answer questions in a clear and concise way. Also, Personality: Being able to create a positive learning atmosphere and develop a good rapport with all students without showing favoritism. Also, having the ability to engage and involve students into the class activities.

Third, performance skills: Such skills are related to performance of the teacher and the standard of efficiency is the ability of the teacher to do the desired behavior, and teacher performance demands the ability to do behavioral tools including multiple dimensions of the whole educational situation.

Finally: The efficiency in the broad sense is the knowledge and mastery of scientific material, as it means an individual's ability to translate what they have learned in life situations of actual like patience and good organization, and building on his own to acquire knowledge in different ways that indicate good performance and operation of the mind in doing his job well.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Kim Lawrence Novels

Kim Lawrence
Though lacking much authentic Welsh blood, Kim Lawrence comes from English-Irish stock. She was born and brought up in North Wales. She returned there when she married, and her sons were both born on Anglesey, an island off the coast. Though not isolated, Anglesey is a little off the beaten track, but lively Dublin, which Kim loves, is only a short ferry ride away. Today they live on the farm her husband was brought up on. Welsh is the first language of many people in this area and Kim's husband and sons are all bilingual she is having a lot of fun, not to mention a few headaches, trying to learn the language! She is a keen gardener and cook and enjoys running often on the beach, as living on an island the sea is never very far away. She is usually accompanied by her Jack Russell, Sprout don't ask, it's long story!

With small children, the unsocial hours of nursing didn't look attractive so encouraged by a husband who thinks she can do anything she sets her mind to, Kim tried her hand at writing. Always a keen Mills & Boon reader, it seemed natural for her to write a romance novel. In 1995, she published her first novels and now she can't imagine doing anything else.